
This page is set up to host bits of codes and sample algorithms. Those algorithms are free to  be explored or even shared with proper recognition to the author.Please let me know if you reached any interesting result using any piece of the code provided.

Before downloading anything from Digital [Sub]stance you consent to the following license agreement

Creative Commons License
Digital [Sub]stance by Marios Tsiliakos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at digitalsubstance.wordpress.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/.

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Grasshopper Definitions

GH User objects

Processing Code-Share

Processing Code

  • 3D Architectural Interface Processing: Download 3D[Ar]Interface (pr. 1.0.9)
  • Flock to Howl (+ Grasshopper Definition) : Download Flock to Howl  (pr. 1.0.9)

Python + IronPython

  • Rossler Attractor: Download Rossler (GH 0.9.0014)
  • Cushion Panels: Download Cushion Panels (GH 0.9.0014)
  • Dynamic Viewport Attributes : Download DVA (GH 0.9.0067)
  • Bake GH Components : Download BakeGHComp (GH 0.9.0067)


Rhinoscript Code-Share

GHA assemblies

73 thoughts on “[Sub]Code

  1. Cheers,

    I host a blog for my Generative Algorithms course at Florida International University, SOA. Delighted to come across your site. I will add you to my blog roll for my students to explore and look forward to exchanging definitions and concepts for the further discourse of parametric design, generative algorithms, and fabrication in architecture.
    Best Regards,
    Jovan Rodriguez Yapur

    • Thank you Jovan for your kind words. As you may have seen I have just started adding content into this blog. There will be more stuff to come.I hope it will be helpful for your students. For any suggestions or inquiries please do not hesitate to contact me.

      Kind Regards,

  2. Hello there…
    Thanks for publishing the adaptive facade definition. I just downloaded it and tried to open it with GH, but I got an error message stating ” ‘gh_point2d’ is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 1381, position 75″, which forces me to quit. Any idea how to get around this problem. I am using GH version 8.0062 with Rhino RS9. Thank you.

    • Hi Zayad,
      Thank you for your feedback… It is strange actually. I works perfectly on GH 0.8.0062 with sr8..My first thought on this error could be on the VB.net components this definition uses, but the code seems ok. I re-uploaded the def try it out now!!


  3. Pingback: [Sub]Code « atcalapadom

  4. Pingback: Digital Resources – Arthur Mani Architecture

  5. Pingback: definitions | Pearltrees

  6. Pingback: Grasshooper | Pearltrees

  7. Pingback: Aurora | Pearltrees

  8. Pingback: computation | Pearltrees

  9. Pingback: amleto picerno (amleto) | Pearltrees

  10. Pingback: Definitii algoritmi | Pearltrees

  11. Pingback: Rana Zureikat (rana.zureikat) | Pearltrees

  12. Pingback: missarchitect | Pearltrees

  13. Pingback: GH | Pearltrees

  14. Pingback: Jayant (jayant) | Pearltrees

  15. Pingback: heklexin (c_air) | Pearltrees

  16. wonderful resources, thank you so much for putting this together. I can’t wait to experiment with it for open source hardware kites and airborne wind energy

  17. Pingback: Grasshopper Learning | Pearltrees

  18. Pingback: Grasshopper | Pearltrees

  19. I can’t download:
    IsoAlgae: Download IsoAlgae (GH 0.8.0066)
    Rossler Attractor: Download Rossler (GH 0.9.0014)
    Realtime Flowing Isosurface: Download R.F.I (GH 0.9.0014)
    Triaxial Waffling: Download Triaxial Waffling (GH 0.9.0014)
    No link!

      • Hello Marios,
        thanks it works, I was using Firefox. Thanks a lot for all your fantastic scripts!!!

  20. I wish, just to make it more convenient, that you have a zipped version that contains all the definitions. Either way, thanks a lot!

  21. Hey Marios thanks for sharing your great work, it’s really helpfull and mind opening. Especially for someone who’s taking his first steps in Grasshopper like me. I was wondering if you finally got to upload the definition for your isoflock project, I can’t seem to find it anywhere and I’d like to give it a try for a school project.
    Anyway thanks again and keep up the great work.

    • Apostolis,

      Thank you for your kind words. If you open the page with chrome the download link should be there. If you need the flocking part, i can’t release it, cause its related to my current research. But you can refer at either SI and locust add-ons for GH.

      • Ok i got it and I’m already looking into Si and Locust.
        Thanks again for your time and your help.

  22. Hey, great work.
    Ora Ito LookAlike wont work for me. Im using chrome, and the links work, however when i click it, i doesnt download. Thanks

  23. Pingback: Š“Ń€Š°ŃŃŃ…Š¾ŠæŠæŠµŃ€ | Š„ŠøтŠµŠŗŠ°

  24. Hi Marios,

    First, thank you for posting this incredible work! I’ve been playing around some of the definitions, it seems the only one I can’t get to work is the HoneyComb_Boundary.ghx file – the definition opens fine, but nothing appears in the rhino interface? Does the definition need a specific type of geometry (surface, curve, or closed polysurface) to run? And if so which component does the geometry plug in to? Thanks.


  25. Marios,

    Again Great work and Thank you for Sharing! šŸ™‚

    I am actually starting to do my own research in that topic, I am still trying to grasp the beginning stages of trying to script swarm behavior. Hopefully in the future you would be able to express the logic and process to achieving a swarm behavior with a couple agents, and the next stages to actually developing a form. I know if have to do some more research, but I have always wondered what the process or the train of thought would be to generate a form/mesh from such a behavior (using the data-curves, points,etc..). Thank you for all you have done and for sharing you work!

  26. hi.
    thanks for the great work you are sharing with us.
    Actually I’m beginner in GH. I downloaded the diagrid definition (Diagrid Panels VB), it worked the first time i tried it ( it was great). but now i am trying to repeat the same steps; I’m getting the error: “index was out of range. must be non negative and less than the size of the collection.
    parameter name: index (line: 0 )”. would you please help me solve this problem, I appreciate your efforts so much… thanks in advance

    • Hi Sam,

      Unfortunately I can’t tell much without a screenshot or a file. From the error you’re getting my bet goes on wrong number of points provided, non 2-dimensional array of points, or wrong number of panels in rows or columns.
      Hope this is helpful for you.

    • Ok,
      Your surface should be untrimmed for this script to run. As I roughly guessed before, you are not getting a two dimensional array of points, and some rows/columns have less points, hence the error.
      try a surface from a sweep2 or a rebuilded one.

  27. Pingback: Cpuh | Pearltrees

  28. Pingback: Grasshopper | Pearltrees

  29. Pingback: TOOL: Point Attractor ā€“ Grasshopper GHUser Object « (C)ODE-(C)OLLECTIVE: GH + Digital Script + Code Collective

  30. Pingback: Digital Design | Pearltrees

  31. Hi,

    I would love to experiment with your tetra aggregation script however it doesnt seem to be working for me. I am fairly new to using hoopsnake and the component is not included within the script and I am having trouble making it work. Is there any way to perhaps show me how to do it? Would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and congrats on the amazing work!


    • Hi Naomi,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      Hoopsnake is an add-on. You have to download it from food4rhino and install it yourself.
      Then if you reopen my def it will work like a charm.


  32. Hi,

    I came across your site recently and I’ve seen your work more specifically the tentative Grasshopper Generated Tentacle Organisms / Structures, I’ve been attempting to do it but I’m having problems with the flockofboids_3D and another one that has “point array, rows, columns, out, panel frame, cenPoint and surfaces”, after reading your comments I understand that the “flockofboids_3D” is a script you wrote but the second one I can’t figure out which plug-in you used, please can you help me?


    Kind regards,


    • Hi,
      Thanks for your comment. The component you’re looking for is the rectangular panels component that I am sharing in this blog as well. Its a vb script.


  33. Thank you so much for the good work and kindness! I am sure you will come up with much more of these to help us more. Great to see someone sharing his great works and caring.

    Kind Regards,

  34. Pingback: Haggieb | Pearltrees

  35. Pingback: Bake GH Components via Python | Digital [Sub]stance

  36. Marios, hello from Beijing and thank you for sharing your knowledge and efforts! Give a hint if you are going to be in Beijing any time soon!

  37. Pingback: Tutorials | Pearltrees

  38. hi
    sry but where can i download ora ito wall defination … i cant find it in your grasshopper defination

  39. Pingback: Http://www.pearltrees.com/subbupd | Pearltrees

    • Hi @batool which file are yo trying to download. I checked all the download links last week and they work fine.
      1. is your network managed by a corporate policy?
      2. can you please try creating a box.net account and see whether you can download the file then. maybe they changed their policies .who knows??

  40. Hey, I was trying to download Flock to Howl, IsoAlgae, and the realtime flowing isosurface. I am working from chrome on my personal computer and am not able to download these links. I have created a box account and still am having trouble. Any alternatives?


  41. Hello!
    I wasn’t able to download the ora ito definition. I’m using chrome while signed into Box and my network isn’t blocking the link. It seem like some work while other don’t. Ty

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