Minimal Complexity by Vlad Tenu

minimalcomplexity1I decided to begin a new group of posts regarding projects and current work of friends  of mine and colleagues regarding generative design, architecture , computation and fabrication. The first project in these series is Minimal Complexity by my dear friend back in London Vlad Tenu. I had the chance to get hold of the the theoretical and practical research behind this project by reading the the thesis of Vlad on Minimal Surface’s Topological Configurations. The mathematics underlying  the creation of  a Schwarz P‐surface as well as the dynamic simulation through a particle – spring system can be sometimes  be ignored due to the aesthetically pleasing result of the project.

minimalcomplexity @ constructing realities

Minimal Complexity has gained international recognition and has been exhibited in many venues [Constructing Realities Exhibition at the ARUP Phase2 Gallery] as well as presented in generative design conferences [Acadia 2010 NYC].  The latest achievement is the first prize in the Tex-Fab [TEX-FAB REPEAT Digital Fabrication Competition] resulting to a huge 12 feet high, digitally fabricated, physical model of minimal complexity. Well, congrats, once again Vlad. Keep up the good work.

minimal comThe algorithm was written in Processing. Find more on Vlad in his personal website : VladTenu