New GH User Object – Curve Ascending/Descending Values [plus] update on all the components for Grasshopper 0.9.xxxx


Due to the release of Grasshopper 0.9. series I spent some time in fixing my old components and User Objects so that they are up to date with the newest versions and the ZUI interface. you can download the updated versions at the usual place.




In addition to that I made another simple yet quite useful addition to Digital [Sub]stance user objects.

This addition consists of an ascending or descending value generator component with the dependency based on a Curve object. The component accepts point lists and curves as inputs and outputs a range of values equal to the length of the point list in accordance to the distance of every point from the curve, that are then ready to be used in any topological or morphological configuration.



I have included an example by the screenshot below that creates some form of lizard skin using the Curve Asc/Desc values GH User Object. Download the Gh User Object here.


Curve Attractors + Ascending-Descending Attractor Values GH User Objects

Ghuser[digitalsubstance]2It’s been a while since my last post,[almost two months!!], but I have been really busy lately. I finally got some time to spend on organizing a few attractor routines, that I use quite frequently when working with Grasshopper, and compile them into GH User Objects. In addition to the Point Attractor User Object in the previous post, three more definitions have been added in the [Sub]Code page. The first one regards an attraction field based on a curve attractor.The other two are providing the ascending and descending values from the interaction between a point attractor and an array of points. This is quite a useful definition for creating gradients on surface population routines and for further geometrical and scalar manipulations on predefined modular components. In the meantime more parameters are provided for even better understanding and control of the configurations.

Gradient Descending GHUserGradient Ascending GHUserAttraction to Curve [Vector Display]To install the Grasshopper User Objects please refer to the previous posts. You can download them at the usual place. Any feedback and report for bugs is deeply appreciated!!!!